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Artha, The Open Thesaurus (Dictionary) for Both Windows and Linux

Artha Thesaurus LogoOftentimes, while in the middle of a conversation, there will be a word that I want to use because it fits the context perfectly, and yet I am unable to remember the word.

It hovers there, right on the edge of my consciousness, taunting me. Usually it comes to me a few minutes — or hours — later when I no longer need it.

It would be nice to have a dictionary in my head, but the next best option is to have one on my computer. For this I use Artha.

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Customization Vs. Configuration

jumbled-lettersAfter realizing that I use the words “customize” and “configure” somewhat interchangeably, I decided it would be a good idea to do some research.

I figure that I should know how badly I’m misusing these words, at the very least. To that end I looked up the Merriam-Webster definitions.

cus·tom·ize (verb): to change (something) in order to fit the needs or requirements of a person, business, etc. (source)

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Computer Hardware

computer-hardwareWhat comes to mind when you hear the word “computer”?

Do you envision a “tall box with buttons, slots and lights”, or do you see a screen with a mouse and keyboard in front of it? Do you see all of those individual parts as a single entity?

If I’m “on the computer”, that does not mean I’m sitting on top of a metal case looking bored. It means I’m sitting at my desk in front of my monitor, usually with one hand on my mouse and the other on my keyboard and a look of intense concentration, frustration or amusement on my face.

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Hardware Vs. Software

hardware-vs-softwareIn this technology-driven age you are inevitably going to hear terms such as “hardware” and “software” and be expected to know what they mean.

These two terms are the most basic categories of technology in existence, into which everything else is divided. In other words, they’re kinda important.

I’m sure that, at one time or another, we have all heard the term hardware, used in reference to tools or machinery. Computer hardware is not much different; it refers to the physical components of technology, such as your computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard, printer, cell phone, tablet, etc.

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