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An Introduction to Paint & KolourPaint

Paint & KolourPaint LogosTwo of the most basic image-manipulation/editing programs are Microsoft Paint — or just Paint — and KolourPaint

Paint is included with each version of Windows. We’ll be discussing the Window 7 version.

KolourPaint is a part of the KDE package. I’m currently using version 16.08.2.

There are many similarities between the two programs — many features and functionalities that work the same.

Let’s explore some of those features.

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An Introduction to Types of Graphical File Formats

Graphical File FormatsI’m a programmer.

In my family, there is a very defined line between capabilities.

On one side of the line, you have the logic-oriented programmers, and on the other side of the line you have the artists.

And, as my Dad and fellow-programmer often says, “I don’t do graphics”.

You would have to hear the emphasis and take in his posture during such a statement to truly understand the humor behind it — but he’s not joking.

I, too, have difficulties on the graphical-front, but have found it necessary, from time to time, to dip my toes into the image-related kiddie pool.

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