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Managing Text In Gimp

Gimp Text New SkillsText and images are pretty much polar opposites, but quite often they intersect — usually in the form of text being used in images.

This necessitates a features that all image-editing programs seem to share — the text tool.

Gimp’s text tool is much like any other standard image editor’s text tool, but we’ll cover it today in some detail.

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Exploring the Gimp Toolbox

Gimp ToolboxThe Gimp toolbox is a window (or dock) featuring multiple icons, each of which are tools that perform tasks in Gimp.

A basic understanding of each tool is necessary to fully utilize the functionality that Gimp has to offer.

But first, let’s give an honorable mention to the toolbar spaces above and below the cluster of tool icons.

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Using Gimp – A Beginner’s Primer

Gimp Defaults ScreenshotCustomizations and preferences are, of course, my priority when working with any new application.

Even in the cases that I do not yet know my preferences, I like to know what options are available to be customized as I go.

To that end, let’s go through some basics of how Gimp is set up — vs. how it can be set up — along with some of the operational aspects.

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An Introduction to Gimp

Gimp Mascot WilberGimp is an acronym for the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

It is a free, open source raster image editor available on multiple operating platforms (Windows, Linux, OS X, etc.)

Gimp features a customizable interface, photo enhancement and digital retouching features, as well as support for multiple hardware devices and file formats.

It is expandable by way of plugins and extensions that can be added or created via its scripting interface.

As a cross-platform image-editor, Gimp is unparalleled.

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An Introduction to Paint & KolourPaint

Paint & KolourPaint LogosTwo of the most basic image-manipulation/editing programs are Microsoft Paint — or just Paint — and KolourPaint

Paint is included with each version of Windows. We’ll be discussing the Window 7 version.

KolourPaint is a part of the KDE package. I’m currently using version 16.08.2.

There are many similarities between the two programs — many features and functionalities that work the same.

Let’s explore some of those features.

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It’s World Backup Day!

World Backup Day April 31stWhen was the last time you backed up your data?

Today is the official yearly reminder to quit procrastinating and save all that precious electronic media that you can’t imagine living without… but haven’t backed up since… well, it’s been a few days… or weeks… or…

Because, seriously, if you can’t remember how long it’s been, it might as well have not happened since this time last year!

Let’s go and do it!

An Introduction to Types of Graphical File Formats

Graphical File FormatsI’m a programmer.

In my family, there is a very defined line between capabilities.

On one side of the line, you have the logic-oriented programmers, and on the other side of the line you have the artists.

And, as my Dad and fellow-programmer often says, “I don’t do graphics”.

You would have to hear the emphasis and take in his posture during such a statement to truly understand the humor behind it — but he’s not joking.

I, too, have difficulties on the graphical-front, but have found it necessary, from time to time, to dip my toes into the image-related kiddie pool.

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