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Vi/Vim Editor Cheat Sheet (Free Download)

Vi Vim Editor Cheat Sheet PreviewToday’s topic is a continuation of last week’s lesson on the Vi/Vim editors.

Mailing list subscribers will receive a free copy of the Vi/Vim Editor Cheat Sheet. To receive this, and other (past/future) exclusive content, you can subscribe.

The command possibilities available in Vi are seemingly endless; as such, they are not all covered in this cheat sheet.

What this cheat sheet does cover, are all of the basic commands for navigating Vi and modifying, searching, replacing, exiting, etc.

Remember, Vi is case-sensitive; any letter that you type can mean two completely different things, depending on its case.

I like to use this cheat sheet as a quick reference, as I have not yet managed to memorize all of these commands.

I hope that you find it as useful as I do.

How to Use the Linux Vi Editor (And Vim, Too!)

Vim Command Line EditorThe Vi editor is a programmer’s text editor. The VIM editor is a “Vi IMproved” editor.

In short, the Vim editor is an improved version of the Vi editor, with additional features.

On many distributions of Linux, the Vi editor defaults to the Vim editor; their function is primarily the same.

The good news, is that you do not have to be a programmer — or have any programming knowledge/aspirations — to use the Vi/Vim editors. They’re just editors. Specifically, they’re command line text editors.

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An Introduction to Linux Command Line Text Editors

Linux Command Line TerminalWe already know what a command line is.

A command line text editor is a text editor that runs directly from the command line, and does not require a graphical user interface, or even a separate window.

Command line text editors only edit plain text files.

The most common examples of command line text editors are Ed, Pico, Nano, Emacs and Vi.

Each editor presents is own set of challenges and rewards; it is not necessary to choose a favorite, but it is a good idea to be briefly introduced to each one.

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