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The KDE Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet (Free Download)

KDE Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet PreviewThere are many keyboard shortcuts that remain unchanged across operating systems and applications alike.

These normally include shortcuts that aid in general functioning, editing and navigation.

There are many other shortcuts that differ from one operating system to another, and even vary by desktop environment and/or application.

With this in mind, I present to you today a cheat sheet of KDE-specific keyboard shortcuts, some of which may overlap other applications, but all of which I have tested and confirmed as of KDE version 4.14.25.

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Linux Command Line Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Free Download)

Linux Command Line Shortcuts Cheat Sheet PreviewYou had to know it was coming. What’s a shortcut without a cheat sheet full of them?

This cheat sheet is a compilation of the Linux command line shortcuts (keyboard and otherwise) mentioned in the past few articles.

It’s printer-friendly, for convenience!

The cheat sheet is available exclusively to my mailing list subscribers; you can subscribe at any time to receive the download.

Linux Command Line Shortcuts & Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Line TerminalThe downside to using the command line is all the typing that it involves. Even if you enjoy typing, it can get tedious after awhile.

That is why I have so much fun learning about all of the shortcuts that can be used in the command line, to cut down on the amount of time spent typing.

Not only are there tricks available that can do half of the work for you, but there are also keyboard shortcuts that can help you to navigate the command line in half the time.

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